Lion Tamer is the story of my journey to freedom from the effects of sexual abuse, and how I healed my relationship with my father. Book One: How It All Turned Out tells the end of the story. I hope you enjoy it and share your experience in the comments section.

Chapter 1: So Far Away Inside, LION TAMER Book One
Therapy (1978) by Cheryl Armstrong My friend Don Crain said, “How can I help you, Cheryl, what do you want from me?” (He sits in his chair facing me, smiling, patient, waiting.) What I want from you, I said in my mind, is a prescription. Rx: A day of San Francisco wind and mist, a

Chapter 2: You’ve Got Mail LION TAMER Book One
LION TAMER Chapter 2 You’ve Got Mail April, 1993. The next morning. At 6 a.m., I sit at my sobriety meeting in a large chilly hall with wooden plank floors. The several lights of large windows let in the blue dawn. It’s a large hall, but it feels cozy with the wood and the windows

Chapter 3: Baby Steps LION TAMER Book One
Chapter 3 Baby Steps May, 1993. Two weeks later. At four o’clock in the morning, I hop on my kitchen stool to write on my computer, as usual. Writing’s the only thing that connects me to myself. Well, painting, does it too. But my place is too small to set up oil paints. I love

Chapter 4: Cigarette-Ember Campfire LION TAMER Book One
Chapter 4 Cigarette-Ember Campfire May, 1993. The following morning. In the morning, daylight wakes me. Seven o’clock. I slept ten hours. l feel great. What happened last night? A part of me I didn’t recognize didn’t want me to nurture myself. Who was it? I have no idea. I feel strong. Refreshed. It doesn’t matter